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Mini UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)

UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), used in anticipation of power outages. Although not as capable as the original UPS, this series was useful enough, want to know how to make it....???

It was also relatively cheaper than buying the original UPS. What about the necessary components? Many were sold at electronics stores.

It has an output power around 1, 5W. Before the main circuit, there is a circuit of mini adapter that has a voltage between 9V/12V with a strong current of 500 mA. The resulting voltage is used to operate the circuit and filling the battery. The UPS is designed to still be able to run electronic
devices despite power outages.
When the inverter is running with AC input, then changed into a DC voltage. At the output of the rectifier is used to charge the battery. When the power fails or the blackout occurs, voltage dc electrical current flows into an inverter which then generates the voltage at the output of the inverter AC (more details see figure).

Circuit connected around the CD4047 IC that operates as a 50 Hz frequency multivibrator. Output Q is moving the multivibrator IRF540 MOSFETs. Inverter output filtered and reduced using the MOV (Metal Oxide Vasitor). Transformer used are 9-0-9, 1.5 a. Two LEDs (D6 and D7) is used as an indicator of whether the primary voltage or battery working.

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